Use these resources to help you with CTFs, and to further understand the cybersecurity topics discussed
We'll keep updating and adding resources, so be sure to check them! If you would like to have more information regarding any specific topic, let us know and we will add them. Also, note that past CTFs can also be used as a review and resource tool.
CTF Basics
Use these tools to learn how CTFs work and what they will include. Some resources will also direct you to websites that provide practice CTFs to prepare!
Use these resources to help you with questions regarding cryptographies. These tools will help you decode them faster!
Steganography-based CTF questions will often require you to find the encrypted messages. Use these tools for help!
Along with the other components of a CTF competition, Linux skills will also be tested. So, use these resources to learn and practice.
Apart from stegnography, forensics also dwells into other topics. Use these resources to help tackle those problems.
Web Exploitation
CTF questions will pertain to topics like SQL and command injection. Use these resources for reference.
WiCyS Summer Workshop Slides
Use these links to access the slides, they will help you solve the CTF escape room!